Practical course in Medical Nanotechnology

This 1 ECTS course aims to give participants ‘hands-on’ experience with a number of new nanotechnology techniques with applications to infection biology. Areas to be included are: nanoparticles, novel imaging technologies, rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing and organic electronic sensing. In small groups, participants will have the opportunity to learn about these techniques, apply them and process the resulting data. The course is provided via the Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center at Karolinska institutet.

Link to schedule

Venue: Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center, Scheeles väg 1, Corridor B:4, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.

Registration deadline: 24 April 2017

Maximum number of participants: 15

Examination: Students will be required to submit a written summary of their experiences and data after the course for evaluation.

Requirements: to perform the data analyses, participants will be required to bring laptops on which both R and Python are installed. Detailed instructions for the installation of these programs in both Windows and Mac environment will be provided. No specific experience from nanomedicine is required.

Accommodation – recommended hotels close to Karolinska Institutet:
Elite Palace Hotel, S:t Eriksgatan 115, 113 43 Stockholm
First Hotel Nortull, S:t Eriksgatan 119, 113 43, Stockholm

Course organizers and contact persons: Keira Melican ( and Benjamin Libberton (

NDPIA members can register to the course and apply for co-funding of travel and accommodation costs via the form below. Others who are interested in the course can send and e-mail to including information on their research focus, title, home university and mobile phone number.


Bookings are closed for this event.