Welcome to NDPIA!

The National Doctoral Programme in Infection and Antibiotics (NDPIA) is a research school funded by The Swedish Research Council (VR) and is affiliated with MIMS (Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden, Umeå University) and the Swedish National Network for Infection Biology.

NDPIA has the goal to connect research environments studying infection biology and antibiotics throughout Sweden by offering courses & workshops, conferences, research stays in Sweden and abroad, and network meetings that promote scientific research and recruitment of young scientists.

NDPIA supports participation in these activities by co-funding of travel and accommodation costs. PhD students and postdoctoral fellows enrolled at a Swedish university/institute or with one of our international partners and studying infection biology and antibiotics are welcome to apply for membership here.


Recent news:

Free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from Institut Pasteur Paris

Institut Pasteur has 20 free ongoing and upcoming online courses, don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from experts in various areas!

On what subjects? 17 MOOCs are dedicated to Infectious Diseases, including Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV Sciences, Viral Outbreaks and Pandemics.

Discover the 20 Institut Pasteur MOOCs

For who? Our MOOCs are aimed at people with a scientific background equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in life sciences

Format : Each MOOC is made up of 30 video lectures of 10 minutes, focusing on key messages, recorded with international experts. Students can test their knowledge with quizzes.

Price : All content is available free of charge (videos, quizzes). There is the possibility to obtain a certificate for a fee.

When ? : Once registered you have unlimited access to our resources, not all MOOCs are open at the same time (see calendar).

In what Language? In English, with French and English subtitles

How to register ? create your account on the FUN platform

Microbiota and Health course 2024 is open for registration!

Artist: Ina Schuppe Koistinen, source: inasakvareller.se

In October it is time for the biannual Microbiota and Health course, this time at Stora Brännbo conference center in Sigtuna!

The course gives an overview of human microbiomes in health and disease and discusses methods for microbiome studies and data analysis. The role of microbiome perturbations in host immune dysfunction and chronic diseases and possibilities for microbiome-based therapy are discussed.

In addition, two workshops are given that focus on retrieving, annotating and analysing metabarcoding data in R.

Register today to save a spot, submit abstract by August 8th.

View the preliminary program and registration form here

A free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Vaccinology” from Institut Pasteur Paris

The free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Vaccinology” from Institut Pasteur Paris starts soon !

How has vaccinology evolved in recent years? What are the different steps in vaccine development? How vaccines can be made accessible to the population worldwide?

If you are interested to find out more from several experts in the field, do not hesitate and sign up for this new version of the MOOC here!

By the end of the course, you will be able to:
  • Summarize the basics of vaccinology.
  • Define vaccine design and the clinical steps required to develop a vaccine.
  • Describe recent vaccines that have been developed.
  • Discuss how to improve vaccine coverage for available vaccines.
  • Explain the challenges ahead learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The MOOC will run from from May 14th until July 10th, 2024. It is recorded in English, with French and English subtitles. Once registered, you can follow it at your own pace and still watch the videos after the end of the broadcasting. Registration is completely free, with an option to take a short exam and receive a certificate for a small fee. This course is also part of the Institut Pasteur Online Diploma of Infectious Diseases (DNM2IP).

You can find more details about the MOOC and the registration link here.