Co-funding for NDPIA courses & activities

NDPIA members may apply for co-funding to support travel and accommodation costs to participate in national activities announced via NDPIA when the activity is held at a university other than their own university.

Non-member participants affiliated with our international collaborators can participate in activities organized by NDPIA for free and can receive free accommodations for the activities. However, no co-funding for travel costs is available for these participants.

How to apply

An application form (see below) and invoices to verify your costs should be submitted to Debra Milton ( shortly after attending the activity.

Prior to the event, NDPIA members should handle travel/accommodation arrangements according to routines at their respective department/university. A department/university project account is required for the transfer of funds. No funds will be transferred to a personal account. Any application that only requests co-funding for travel within the Stockholm/Uppsala region will not be considered. Applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of the application and co-funding support.

Application forms are of two types depending on if you work at Umeå University or not.

  1. Members working at Umeå University:
    Download the NDPIA activity co-funding application for UmU students
  2. Members NOT working at Umeå University:
    Download the NDPIA activity co-funding application for non-UmU students
Travel co-funding provided

Travel via train or one flight (including return trip)
→ Up to 2000 SEK

Travel longer distances (two flights or a sleeper train, including return trip)
→ Up to 3500 SEK

Accommodation co-funding provided

→ Up to 1200 SEK per night


Example 1:

Participant from Lund at a five-day course in Stockholm:
Travel 1500 SEK plus accommodation 5000 SEK, total co-funding up to 6500 SEK.

Example 2:

Participant from Göteborg at a three-day course in Umeå:
Travel 2000 SEK plus accommodation 3000 SEK, total co-funding up to 5000 SEK.