Co-funding for NDPIA courses & activities

Funding and Participation Guidelines for NDPIA

Starting in 2025, NDPIA is funded by a new grant awarded by the Swedish Research Council (VR). From this call, VR supported two research schools, with funding equally divided between the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antimicrobials (NDPIA) and the National Doctoral Programme in Virus Infections and Pandemics (NDP-VIP).

The organizations behind both schools are excited about the opportunity to run two programs in infection biology and anticipate positive synergies between them. However, this also means that NDPIA’s budget is smaller than in previous years, necessitating adjustments. The following guidelines for participation in NDPIA courses and meetings are effective until further notice.

Participation Guidelines for Full Members

National NDPIA-organized courses and activities are offered free of charge to full members. Additionally, accommodation costs are covered when the activity takes place at a university other than the member’s home university. However, participants are responsible for covering their own travel costs, which must be funded by their principal investigator (PI), university, or institute.

Participation Guidelines for Associate Members

Associate members who are not enrolled at a Swedish university or institute can participate in NDPIA-organized activities free of charge. However, they are responsible for covering their own accommodation and travel costs.

Co-funding for external courses and activities

At the moment, no courses or activities hosted by organizations/institutes other than NDPIA and outside of Sweden can be co-funded.