Pictures: Participants at the NIB 2017 at Djurönäset and at the NIB 2019 at Aronsborgs Konferenshotell. The NIB 2021 was held online due to the pandemic.
Welcome to the 10th National Infection Biology and Swedish Society for Microbiology Meeting
Aronsborgs Konferenshotell in Bålsta
October 23-24, 2023
The 10th National Infection Biology and Swedish Society for Microbiology Joint Meeting aims to enhance cross-disciplinary research in Sweden within infection biology and microbiology and to strengthen the Swedish network of scientists within these fields. Current state-of-the-art microbiology research in Sweden will be presented by invited speakers within the sub-disciplines of bacteriology, virology, eukaryotic microbes, host response, and environmental microbiology. In addition, 15 oral presentations will be selected from the poster abstract submissions and poster walks will be organized allowing participants to present and discuss their work with other participants.
The National Infection Biology Meeting doubles as your NDPIA member network meeting. Do not miss your chance to:
- present your research
- meet new colleagues
- establish new collaborations
- learn something new
- find a postdoc position.
Full NDPIA members attend for free.
Registration/Abstract Submission Deadline June 22, 2023
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
- Teresa Frisan, Umeå University
- Staffan Svärd, Uppsala University
- Linus Sandegren, Uppsala University
- Courtney Stairs, Lund University
- Marie Larsson, Linköping University
- Ellen Bushell, Umeå University
- Marianne Jansson, Lund University
- Artur Schmidtchen, Lund University
- Jonas Klingström, Karolinska Institutet
- Davide Angeletti, University of Gothenburg
- Fredrik Bäckhed, University of Gothenburg
- Juan Du, Karolinska Institutet
- Kristina Jonas, Stockholm University
- Karin Holmfeldt, Linnaeus University
- Anders Larsen, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark
- Diarmaid Hughes, Uppsala University
Programme, registration and more information can be found here ›
The meeting is co-organized by the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics (NDPIA), the Swedish Society for Microbiology (SFM) and The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) with the aims to enhance cross-disciplinary research in Sweden within the fields of infection biology and microbiology as well as to strengthen the Swedish network of scientists within these fields.