The Helmholtz International Graduate School for Infection Research

HZI International Graduate School provides an innovative intensive structured PhD programme within the field of Infection Research, implemented at the campus of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig. Together with their partner universities the HZI Graduate School has created an electrifying environment where young researchers are stimulated to exchange knowledge with their colleagues and with peers and leading scientists from around the world. Besides intensive scientific training the young researchers have the possibility to train their soft skills abilities and improve their interdisciplinary knowledge to be prepared for the job market.

Curriculum overview: The aim of the course of study is to strength the knowledge of PhD candidates within the research area of the complex interaction between host and the pathogen during infection with a focus on translational science. The curriculum consists of a three-year research project as well as state of the art lectures on relevant topics, symposia, summer schools and retreats, scientific presentation as well as several events to establish networks and collaboration, are also integrated in the focus of the programme. The PhD candidates have the opportunity to intensify their scientific knowledge and soft skills. The programme should prepare young scientists for the next step of their career.