A National Steering Board consists of a member that represents each regional partner node and decides on the activities and budget of the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antimicrobials.
Members of the National Steering Board:
- Annasara Lenman (Chair, Umeå University)
- Birgitta Henriques-Normark (Vice-Chair, Karolinska Institutet)
- Maria Lerm (Linköping University)
- Kristian Riesbeck (Lund University)
- Anna Arnqvist Björklund (Umeå University)
- Fredrik Bäckhed (University of Gothenburg)
- Josef Järhult (Uppsala University)
Central administrative management:
- Annasara Lenman (National coordinator NDPIA, Umeå University)
- Louise Lindbäck (Project coordinator for NDPIA, Umeå University)
The Directors of Studies Committee plans the yearly activities, helps to organize courses and workshops, and handles admission of applicants to courses in collaboration with the course leaders.
Directors of Studies (DoS):
- Valentina Tremaroli (Region: Göteborg)
- Helen Wang (Region: Uppsala)
- Edmund Loh (Region: Stockholm)
- Pontus Nordenfelt (Region: Lund/Malmö)