
Research in the field of infection biology is strong and well-established at Lund University (LU) and is carried out in both Malmö (Clinical Research Centre, CRC) and Lund (Biomedical Centre, BMC) in close contact with Skåne University Hospital. The research covers reputable basic sciences as well as applied sciences close to the clinic.

There is a long tradition of studying bacterial surface structures at LU and for instance research on streptococcal diseases  has been carried out for decades and has become world-renowned. Several groups, mainly concentrated to the Departments of Laboratory Medicine, Translational Medicine and Clinical Sciences at the Medical Faculty are characterizing mechanisms by which bacterial and viral molecules interact and/or manipulate the immune system. Focus areas include i) how bacteria live as commensals in some areas but may cause life-threating infections, such as sepsis, when spread to other areas and ii) how the immune system recognize invading microbes, why some microorganisms stay undetected for long periods of time, and what happens when the immune system itself is the goal for the invaders.
Link to a more detailed presentation of the research groups.

Lund University provides core facilities for researchers within several different areas. Lund Protein Production Platform (LP3) is a core facility for protein production and purification. The Lund University Bioimaging Center provides different imaging techniques, such as pre-clinical MR, TEM/SEM, and high-resolution light microscopy, to study morphology, metabolism, and physical functions in cell- and animal models.

The research environment focusing on structural science in Lund is very strong and it is expanding further with the exciting establishment of the MAX IV Laboratory. There will be several application possibilities for scientists within the Medical Faculty. MedMAX will enable in vivo imaging of small animals for physiological and morphological characterization of organs as well as micro-localization of target elements.

The successful basic and applied research within infection biology at LU is exemplified by the fact that a number of innovations stemming from the field have resulted in the foundation of small biotech companies utilizing different bacterial compounds as therapeutic targets/agents. Antimicrobial peptides identified in Lund are evaluated in clinical trials for future use in treatment for infections in surgical wounds. In addition, several identified bacterial proteins are evaluated as potential vaccine candidates for different infectious diseases at small and medium-sized enterprises or in collaborations with big pharmaceutical companies.

As a PhD student or PostDoc at Lund University, you are encouraged to attend courses and conferences related to your area of interest. Several networks within the university as well as national once, give you the opportunity to present and discuss your projects with other researchers in the field, and the closeness to Copenhagen and the rest of Europe open up opportunities for international collaborations as well.