Lund node – Lund University

Infection medicine and clinical microbiology research have a long and strong tradition at Lund University. A key strength has been the excellent translational collaboration between the clinical and pre-clinical researchers. There are some recent developments that are of interest for this proposal. Lund University Bioimaging Center (LBIC) is building a new floor with a focus on infection-related imaging, including a dedicated room and advanced microscopes for live BSL2+ fluorescence microscopy. Around the same time, a large new virtual network hub, Infect@LU will be launched, organizing hundreds of researchers and clinicians within thematic networks related to infection, immunity, and microbiology. Infect@LU is both University-wide and Region Skåne-wide and will directly engage with NDPIA, by sending people from all Skåne to activities and organizing new activities, such as courses in clinical infection research and live infection imaging.