Uppsala node: Uppsala University

Uppsala regional node is a centre for infection biology that is distinctly focused on zoonotic infections and antibiotic resistance, particularly with an environmental perspective. Uppsala supports diverse life science research through Uppsala University, the University Hospital, the Swedish Agricultural University (SLU), and the Swedish Veterinary Agency (SVA). These institutions have laid a foundation for comprehensive, cross-disciplinary research on infectious diseases and support the One Health Sweden initiative. The One Health network fosters extensive collaboration amongst researchers in virology, bacteriology, ecology, and clinical science at these educational institutions as well as with national groups in Sweden and the Nordic countries. These areas of expertise enrich the quality and scope of the NDPIA program. The infectious disease section along with collaborators at Uppsala University have unique depth of experience and international connections for environmental as well as vector and reservoir species sampling and collection. Soil, faeces, blood, and vector collections are performed on an annual basis globally from diverse geographical places and from a unique variation of species. State-of-the-art lab facilities for genomic analyses, animal experiments, virology and bacteriology are available within the One Health network in Uppsala at the Biomedical Center, SLU, and SVA. Moreover, a strong cooperation with the animal ecology, freshwater ecology and entomology departments is established through One Health research projects. These collaborations enable recruitment of a broad range of educators for the NDPIA program.