All posts by Anna Holmström

Upcoming SciLifeLab courses/workshops 2018

The following upcoming SciLifeLab courses are announced via NDPIA with the possibility to apply for co-funding of travel and accommodation costs:

Basic Course in Electron Microscopy (SEM and TEM)
1 ECTS course in Umeå 181002-04
Application deadline 16 September, 2018

Chemical Proteomics 2018
Course in Stockholm 181024-26
Course fee 1300 SEK
Application deadline 15 September, 2018

Introduction to bioinformatics using NGS data
Course in Umeå 181112-16
Course fee 1800 SEK
Application deadline 27 September, 2018

RNA-seq data analysis
Workshop in Umeå 181114-16
Workshop fee 1700 SEK
Application deadline 2 October, 2018

After having been admitted to the course of interest, NDPIA participants can apply for co-funding of travel and accommodation costs (not for co-funding of course fees) via relevant event page at

Information about upcoming courses provided by SciLifeLab can be accessed via

Workshops on antibiotic resistance at Uppsala University

Uppsala Antibiotic Center (UAC) is hosting workshops on various topics related to antibiotic resistance. Information about upcoming workshops can be found via the UAC calendar (education). The workshops are open for PhD students and postdocs outside of UAC if there are vacancies. For questions related to UAC or their workshops, please contact

NDPIA members can apply for co-funding for travel and accommodation costs for participating in the workshops after forwarding an e-mail of admittance to

Registration deadline 24 September for “Live Imaging of Intracellular Infections” in Linköping 181112-16

The NDPIA course “Live Imaging of Intracellular Infections” in Linköping 12-16 November 2018 will provide an in depth understanding of important intracellular, bacterial pathogens inside the host cell and the microbial and cellular factors deciding the outcome of infection. State-of-the art methods and assay development for drug discovery will be covered and the course includes lectures, workshops and practicals with several invited speakers. Participants will be introduced how to use IncuCyte® for high content live imaging of intracellular infections.

Registration deadline: 24 September, 2018

Link to additional information and how to apply/register