NEW Information about Course Possibilities!

NDPIA Website is updated! Please check the updated webpages for new courses, which you would like to attend:

Check the webpage  “Links – Additional Doctoral Courses”,
where we have updated the lists with courses where students from other universities are welcome to participate/apply. Note the course “Workshop on Modelling in Biology and Medicine at University of Gothenburg (20190509-20190510)” has deadline for application today, 25th of April 2019″! 

NDPIA has also extended the support possibility for courses organised at Wellcome Genome Campus in Cambridge, UK. Link to the currently offered Wellcome courses.  The co-funding procedure is the same as for EMBL courses (Link to the currently offered EMBL courses).

More information about the co-funding procedure, here: 
(Details may only be visible for registered NDPIA members)

Please contact Eva-Maria Diehl, if you have any questions, comments or events /courses which we should share on our NDPIA events webpage.