All posts by Anna Holmström

Thesis defence by Maria Furberg (UmU) on “Increased seroprevalence of tularemia in Northern Sweden”, 18 November 2016

Maria Furberg (Dept. of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Dept. of Clinical Microbiology, Umeå University) will defend her thesis “Towards the limits – Climate Change Aspects of Life and Health in Northern Sweden. Studies of tularemia and regional experiences of changes in the environment.” 18 November 2016 at 9 a.m. in Sal A 9th floor, Tandläkarhögskolan.

Continue reading Thesis defence by Maria Furberg (UmU) on “Increased seroprevalence of tularemia in Northern Sweden”, 18 November 2016

Thesis defence by Charlotta Eriksson (GU) on “Herpes simplex virus infection”, 16 December 2016

Charlotta Eriksson (University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Infectious Diseases) will defend her thesis entitled: Herpes simplex virus type 1 infection in the central nervous system – experimental and clinical studies, 16 December 2016 at 9 a.m. in Mikrobiologens lecture hall, third floor, Guldhedsgatan 10A, Gothenburg.

Continue reading Thesis defence by Charlotta Eriksson (GU) on “Herpes simplex virus infection”, 16 December 2016

NDPIA PhD students – please provide information on your upcoming thesis defence!

NDPIA would like to promote and publish upcoming thesis defences of participants as news posts at Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to provide with information on your upcoming defence (university, title, name of opponent, date, time, venue and a short text in English describing your main findings), preferentially a couple of weeks before the defence will take place.

SciLifeLab spring courses 2017

Information about upcoming courses provided by SciLifeLab spring 2017can be accessed via

The following SciLifeLab courses are announced via NDPIA with the possibility to apply for co-funding of travel and accommodation costs:

Introduction to bioinformatics using NGS data
2 ECTS course in Uppsala 170123-27
Course fee 1800 SEK
Application deadline 2 December 2016

Assay development in high throughput screening
2 ECTS course in Umeå 170220-24
Application deadline 3 February 2017

1 ECTS course in Uppsala 170313-15
Course fee 1300 SEK
Application deadline 6 February 2017

Introduction to genome annotation
1 ECTS course in Uppsala 170509-11
Course fee 1300 SEK
Application deadline 30 March 2017

Introduction to bioinformatics using NGS data
2 ECTS course in Göteborg 170515-19
Course fee 1800 SEK
Application deadline 5 April 2017

After having been accepted to the course of interest, NDPIA participants can apply for co-funding of travel and accommodation costs (not for co-funding of course fees) via relevant event page at

Which speakers would you like to invite to NIB 2017?

The next meeting of the National Infection Biology network (NIB) will be held 17-18 October 2017 outside Stockholm. The NIB meetings constitute an excellent networking forum for experimental researchers, physicians and epidemiologists interested in molecular and clinical microbiology, immunology and host-pathogen interactions. NDPIA members will be offered to participate in NIB 2017 free of charge (including accommodation).

At this initial planning stage the meeting organizers would highly appreciate suggestions with respect to speakers to invite in order to make the meeting attractive irrespective of the research field of participants.

Please e-mail your suggestions for speakers to invite: one female and one male, specifying their affiliation and area of expertise (including contact details if possible) to by 17 November at the latest.

Many thanks in advance for contributing to making NIB 2017 an attractive meeting!