Category Archives: NDPIA

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Increased levels of NDPIA co-funding of travel costs!

From January 2016 NDPIA co-funding of travel costs have been raised, see below:

Travel via train/one flight (including return trip)
Up to 1500 SEK 

Travel longer distances (two flights/sleeper train, including return trip)
Up to 2000 SEK 

Everybody who applies (i.e. indicates the need for) for NDPIA co-funding of travel and/or accommodation costs to participate in activities announced at will receive co-funding.

After the activity has taken place the co-funding will be payed to the NDPIA participant's project upon submission of relevant form found at Please read the guidelines thoroughly before filling out and sending the form.

NDPIA Facebook group!

Please take the opportunity to network with other NDPIA participants via the new closed Facebook group for NDPIA members! The group has been set up by Clara Atterby at Uppsala University and is called: “NDPIA – Forum for young researchers in infections and antibiotics”. Activities announced at will also be promoted via this new forum and the intention is to facilitate networking among NDPIA participants.

Join the group at

Welcome to the second NDPIA Network Meeting with “Microbiota speakers” 11-12 April, 2016 in Gothenburg!

Please take the opportunity to join the second network meeting of NDPIA featuring PhD and postdoc presentations, poster sessions and additional networking opportunities, for the first time with international partners of NDPIA from Germany and Norway. In addition, four invited distinguished speakers will present their exciting research on the topic "Microbiota". The meeting will be held in Gothenburg 11-12 April, 2016.

Link to preliminary program

Link to registration and additional information about the Network Meeting

Awards for the three best posters will be provided in the form of travel grants.

Back to back with the meeting an international vaccine course will be held 13-15 April: "Vaccines for next generation".

The meeting and accommodation 10-12 (15) April is free of charge for programme participants and international partners.

Programme participants are highly encouraged to attend this and future network meetings and to continue to develop our national/international programme.

Deadline for registration: 22 February, 2016. However please register as soon as possible in order to facilitate meeting logistics.

International course “Vaccines for next generation” 13-15 April, 2016 in Gothenburg

"Vaccines for next generation" (1 ECTS) is an international course that will be organized by Professor Nils Lycke at University of Gothenburg 13-15 April, 2016. An overview of the course can be found below. The course will be held directly after the NDPIA Network Meeting 11-12 April.

13 April     General introduction to vaccines
Vaccine formulations: Nanoparticles for better vaccines 
Adjuvants: Toxin-based adjuvants, oil-in-water formulations, edible plants

14 April     Induction of immune responses:
Can knowledge about immune regulation be used for improved vaccine take?

A systems biology perspective on vaccination: What has been learnt from an omics approach?
Systemic vaccines against infectious diseases: How to make a universal influenza vaccine
Dermal vaccines against infectious diseases: A patch full of vaccine

15 April    Memory Development and long term effects:
Can a vaccine's protective efficacy be correlated to memory development?

Mucosal vaccines against infectious diseases: Oral vaccines are a real challenge!
Vaccines against autoimmune diseases: The design of tolerizing vaccines against diabetes and MS

Deadline for registration: 22 February, 2016. However please register as soon as possible in order to facilitate meeting logistics.

Link to additional information about the course.

Infection Metabolomics Workshop in Umeå, 23-24 February 2016

A two-day workshop focusing on metabolomics and infection medicine in a broad sense will be held at Umeå University 23-24 February 2016. The workshop will include introduction to small molecules and metabolomics via lectures by invited speakers active in the field. Practical orientation on how metabolomics studies can be performed and information from the Swedish Metabolomics Centre ( will also be provided.

A related workshop will be held 25-26 February focusing on chemical and data analysis: metabolomics topics covering chemical and data analysis will be described in greater depth. Other areas of applications will also be covered.

Link to additional information and registration

Link to preliminary schedule 23-26 February

Deadline for registration to both workshops: 1 February, 2016.