Category Archives: NDPIA

New events and functions at!

Information on several new events together with updated information on other events can now be found at the new “Events” page:, for instance two activities organized with support from the MIMS affiliated Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics: Pathogens and immunity evasion strategies (Lund/Malmö) and Workshop in photomicrography and image processing for science (Umeå).

From now on registration to announced activities and/or application for co-funding of travel/accommodation will be performed via the new “Events” page. Events are also listed in a calendar at the start page and on the “Events” page. For all activities sponsored by the programme, registration and eventual application for co-funding for participation is performed by filling out an on-line form at the bottom of the page displaying the specific event. Only registered programme participants who are logged in can fill out the form. Logging in is performed via a specific function in the left sidebar.

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