Registration is open! 9th National Infection Biology/Swedish Microbiology Meeting 16-18 November, Online

Welcome to the 9th National Infection Biology / Swedish Microbiology Meeting

The 9th National Infection Biology/Swedish Microbiology Meeting will be a virtual meeting that aims to provide a broad vision on current state-of-the-art microbiology techniques and research in Sweden.

Keynote speakers are Swedish researchers working within the sub-disciplines of bacteriology, virology, parasitology, host response, clinical infection biology, environmental microbiology, zoonotics, and new methods.

Poster presentations will be organized as digital poster walks that allow participants to present and discuss their work with other participants. NDPIA encourages all members to use this opportunity to present your research.

When: 16-18 November, 2021
Where: Online


The meeting is co-organized by the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics (NDPIA) and the Swedish Society for Microbiology (SFM) with the aims to enhance cross-disciplinary research in Sweden within the fields of infection biology and microbiology as well as to strengthen the Swedish network of scientists within these fields.