All posts by Anna Holmström

NDPIA Alumni group and reunions!

In order to maintain the NDPIA network, an NDPIA Alumni group is under establishment. Therefore, all participants that are no longer PhD students or postdocs at Swedish (or NDPIA partner) universities are encouraged to edit their profile via The intention is to arrange NDPIA Alumni reunions with invited speakers, Alumni speakers and networking opportunities. These events will also be open for current NDPIA members to facilitate further networking and lessons learned.

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PhD student networking opportunity in Germany 16-18 May

The Helmholtz Graduate School for Infection Research (HZI Grad School/GS FIRE) in Braunschweig, Germany, is inviting NDPIA PhD students to their retreat 16-18 May 2017 (in the Harz). The retreat is mandatory for all HZI Grad School PhD students and NDPIA PhD students who want to join the retreat will receive a maximum of 5000 SEK for co-funding of travel costs. The retreat and accommodation in Germany 15-19 May are free of charge.

At the retreat all participants will present their research either via a poster or via an oral presentation and there will be many opportunities for networking both during the scientific parts of the retreat and during social events.

Registration deadline 28 March. 

Link to additional information and registration

Save the dates 170619-20: KAW Infection Biology symposium and NDPIA networking activities in Umeå

There will be a symposium entitled “Infection Research to Meet Current and Future Challenges” in Umeå 19 June 2017 featuring several internationally renowned researchers. The symposium is one of several celebrating the 100th anniversary of Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) and it will be organized by Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien (KVA).

Link to symposium program

Link to additional information (and registration) to the symposium.

NDPIA members who present posters at the symposium are offered free accommodation in Umeå 170618-20 (if not employed in Umeå) and are also invited to participate in NDPIA networking activities 19-20 June.

A new announcement will be made when registration to NDPIA networking activities 19-20 June has opened.

1 ECTS Practical course in Medical Nanotechnology 22-23 May at KI

This 1 ECTS course aims to give participants hands-on experience with a number of new nanotechnology techniques with applications to infection biology: nanoparticles, novel imaging technologies, rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing and organic electronic sensing. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about these techniques in small groups and apply them and process the data. The course is provided via the Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center at Karolinska Institutet.

Link to additional information and registration

Registration deadline: 24 April 2017

Maximum number of participants: 15