All posts by Anna Holmström

SciLifeLab spring courses 2018

The following SciLifeLab courses (spring 2018) are announced via NDPIA with the possibility to apply for co-funding of travel and accommodation costs:

Introduction to bioinformatics using NGS data
2 ECTS course in Uppsala 180212-16
Course fee 1800 SEK
Application deadline 15 December 2017

Single cell genomics – a practical and theoretical workshop
1 ECTS workshop/course in Uppsala 180313-15
Course fee 1300 SEK
Application deadline 31 January 2018

Opportunities with affinity proteomics
1 ECTS course in Stockholm 180410-11
Course fee 1100 SEK
Application deadline 25 February, 2018

1 ECTS course in Uppsala 180514-16
Course fee TBA
Application period TBA

Introduction to Genome Annotation
1 ECTS course in Uppsala 180515-17
Course fee TBA
Application period TBA

After having been accepted to the course of interest, NDPIA participants can apply for co-funding of travel and accommodation costs (not for co-funding of course fees) via relevant event page at

Information about upcoming courses provided by SciLifeLab can be accessed via

NDPIA seats at Symposium on Bacterial Membrane Vesicles 15-16 February 2018 in Tromsö, Norway

NDPIA members are invited to participate in the symposium "Bacterial Membrane Vesicles – Function and Implications" 15-16 February, 2018 in Tromsö, Norway. The symposium is offered within the framework of the Norwegian Graduate School in Infection Biology and Antimicrobials (IBA).

Link to information about the symposium

All NDPIA members who want to participate in the symposium are required to submit an abstract to and present their research orally (if selected) or at the poster session.
Please use the abstract template found via the link above (under the green registration/application button).

Application and abstrac submission deadline – 15 January 2018
Link to registration/application

NDPIA members are offered free accommodation in Tromsö 14-16 February (via IBA) and NDPIA co-funding of travel costs up to a maximum of SEK 3000.

Questions related to the symposium can be addressed to

If you are admitted to the symposium, please contact Anna Mazzarella ( as soon as possible and she will book accommodation for NDPIA members in Tromsö.

For application of NDPIA co-funding of travel costs, please send an e-mail to after having been admitted to the symposium.

Successful NDPIA workshops and NIB 2017 16-18 October

On 17-18 October, the National Infection Biology (NIB) Network held its seventh meeting, NIB 2017, at the Djurönäset Conference Hotel outside of Stockholm. The meeting was preceded by NDPIA workshops on science communication and career planning, held 16-17 October.

In line with the NIB network’s ambitions, the meeting provided opportunities for young researchers to present their research and to network with scientists from all the various fields of infection biology research. The NIB 2017 programme featured international keynote talks, selected talks from submitted abstracts and two poster sessions. Among a total of 47 posters submitted by NDPIA members, 10 were selected for short presentations during meeting.

Continue reading Successful NDPIA workshops and NIB 2017 16-18 October

NDPIA course on “Mechanisms of Biofilm Formation and Prevention” at Karolinska Institutet 8-9 February 2018

This 1 ECTS course at Karolinska Institutet 8-9 February 2018 aims to address selected important aspects of biofilm formation and its regulation. Topics covered will include prevention of microbial biofilm formation, biofilm-host interaction and the impact of biofilm formation in the clinical setting. In the practicals, different microbial biofilm models and principle biofilm-related experiments will be demonstrated and performed by the participants on an individual basis in order to encourage critical assessment of experimental data. The course will also discuss how biofilm derived principles benefit other research areas.

Preliminary schedule

Link to additional information and registration

Registration deadline – 22 December 2017