On 19 June, several of the world's leading scientists in the field of infection biology visited Umeå University (UmU) for a jubilee symposium celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. 30 NDPIA members all presented posters and took the opportunity to network with the invited speakers and other symposium participants. They also participated in a highly appreciated “Meet the speakers” group discussion session with the invited speakers on 20 June. NDPIA members also learned about the infection research being performed at the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Sweden (MIMS) at UmU via presentations by MIMS group leaders. Participants were very positive and they found group discussion with invited speakers especially valuable and inspiring.
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Save the date for the upcoming NDPIA course on “Emerging viral diseases” 4-6 October
The 1.5 ECTS NDPIA course “Emerging viral diseases – preparing for the unknown” will be provided by the Dept. of Medicine in Huddinge (Karolinska Institutet/Karolinska University Hospital) 4-6 October 2017, and participants will learn about:
– How to prepare for, work during, and investigate, an outbreak
– Ethical and practical issues regarding research and testing of treatments/vaccines
during ongoing outbreaks
– Biosafety and biosecurity issues
– The “One Health” perspective, including the natural origin of the viruses
– Emerging viral diseases and the viruses that cause them, focusing on pathogenesis
and how the viruses affect infected cells and the immune responses.
The course will be announced at www.ndpia.se mid-August with a registration deadline of 10 September.
Contact person with respect to the course content: Jonas Klingström (jonas.klingstrom@ki.se)
Extended registration deadline 30 June for career planning, scientific communication and NIB 2017 16-18 October in Stockholm!
NDPIA is organising workshops on career planning and scientific communication with international trainers 16-17 October, 2017. The workshops will be held back-to-back with the 7th National Infection Biology Meeting (NIB 2017) at Djurönäset outside Stockholm 17-18 October. The aim of NIB 2017 is to gather experimental researchers, physicians and epidemiologists interested in molecular and clinical microbiology, immunology and host-pathogen interactions. Invited speakers and speakers selected from submitted abstracts will present their research spanning bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, host-pathogen interactions, host defence etc.
Registered participants of NDPIA are offered free registration and accommodation for all activities 16-18 October.
Link to additional information about the events and application for NDPIA co-funding of travel costs
Extended registration and abstract submission deadline: 30 June, 2017
Extended registration deadline until 25 June for participating in the NDPIA virology course 21-23 August
A 1 ECTS course focusing on molecular and marine virology will be held 21-23 August in Smögen, prior to the Smögen Symposium on Virology (24-26 August). The aim of the course is to provide a broad and in-depth knowledge of different areas of virology. Senior Swedish and international researchers will give lectures spanning a wide array of fields, such as marine virology, pathogenesis, evolution, emerging viruses and new antiviral therapies. The course will also include poster sessions where participants can communicate their research, time for group discussions and networking activities.
Reduced registration fee for NDPIA members:
Single room – 2700 SEK, Shared double room – 1500 SEK
Link to additional information about the course and how to register
Extended registration deadline: 25 June, 2017
Link to information about the Smögen Symposium on Virology 2017
Registration deadline 12 June for career planning, scientific communication and NIB 2017 16-18 October in Stockholm!
NDPIA is organising workshops on career planning and scientific communication with international trainers 16-17 October, 2017. The workshops will be held back-to-back with the 7th National Infection Biology Meeting (NIB 2017) at Djurönäset outside Stockholm 17-18 October. The aim of NIB 2017 is to gather experimental researchers, physicians and epidemiologists interested in molecular and clinical microbiology, immunology and host-pathogen interactions. Invited speakers and speakers selected from submitted abstracts will present their research spanning bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, host-pathogen interactions, host defence etc.
Registered participants of NDPIA are offered free registration and accommodation for all activities 16-18 October.
Link to additional information about the events and application for NDPIA co-funding of travel costs
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 12 June, 2017