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Save the dates 170619-20: KAW Infection Biology symposium and NDPIA networking activities in Umeå

There will be a symposium entitled “Infection Research to Meet Current and Future Challenges” in Umeå 19 June 2017 featuring several internationally renowned researchers. The symposium is one of several celebrating the 100th anniversary of Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) and it will be organized by Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien (KVA).

Link to symposium program

Link to additional information (and registration) to the symposium.

NDPIA members who present posters at the symposium are offered free accommodation in Umeå 170618-20 (if not employed in Umeå) and are also invited to participate in NDPIA networking activities 19-20 June.

A new announcement will be made when registration to NDPIA networking activities 19-20 June has opened.

1 ECTS Practical course in Medical Nanotechnology 22-23 May at KI

This 1 ECTS course aims to give participants hands-on experience with a number of new nanotechnology techniques with applications to infection biology: nanoparticles, novel imaging technologies, rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing and organic electronic sensing. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about these techniques in small groups and apply them and process the data. The course is provided via the Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center at Karolinska Institutet.

Link to additional information and registration

Registration deadline: 24 April 2017

Maximum number of participants: 15

NDPIA course on “Infection and Cancer” 11-12 May at KI

A 2 ECTS NDPIA course on “Infection and Cancer” will be held at the Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology at Karolinska Institutet 11-12 May, 2017. Examples of content:

  • Basic concepts of viral transformation
  • Analysis of the mechanism by which bacterial infections contribute to cancer initiation and progression
  • How chronic or latent infections can promote the acquisition of several hallmarks of cancer
  • Which conditions favor the microbial transforming capacity
  • How these processes can be prevented by prophylactic vaccination
  • Open issues that still need to be solved

The presence of national and international prominent researchers provide a golden opportunity for the participants to strengthen their scientific network.

Link to additional information and registration

Registration deadline 17 March, 2017

Additional upcoming NDPIA course spring 2017 (to be announced ASAP):

22-23 May    Practical course in Medical Nanotechnology, Stockholm

NDPIA course on “Airborne transmission of infectious agents” 26-28 April in Lund

A 2 ETCS NDPIA course providing an overview on airborne transmission of infectious agents will be held at the Division of Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology at Lund University, 26-28 April, 2017. Examples of topics :

  • Emission, transport and deposition of airborne microbes
  • Techniques to sample and analyse airborne biological material (including laboratory demonstrations)
  • Inhalation and defence in the respiratory tract
  • Airborne contamination in pharma, clean rooms and industry
  • Vaccination through inhalation

Link to additional information and registration

Registration deadline 31 March, 2017

Additional upcoming NDPIA courses spring 2017 (to be announced ASAP):

11-12 May    Infection and Cancer, Stockholm
22-23 May    Practical course in Medical Nanotechnology, Stockholm

Thesis defence by Chandan Pal (GU) on “Effects of biocides and metals on antibiotic resistance” 31 January 2017

Chandan Pal (University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Infectious Diseases) will defend his thesis entitled: Effects of biocides and metals on antibiotic resistance 31 January 2017 at 9.00 am. Venue: Arvid Carlsson lecture hall, Medicinaregatan 3, Gothenburg. Faculty opponent: Professor Marko Virta, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Continue reading Thesis defence by Chandan Pal (GU) on “Effects of biocides and metals on antibiotic resistance” 31 January 2017