Inspiring networking with world-leading researchers at Umeå University 19-20 June

On 19 June, several of the world's leading scientists in the field of infection biology visited Umeå University (UmU) for a jubilee symposium celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. 30 NDPIA members all presented posters and took the opportunity to network with the invited speakers and other symposium participants. They also participated in a highly appreciated “Meet the speakers” group discussion session with the invited speakers on 20 June. NDPIA members also learned about the infection research being performed at the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Sweden (MIMS) at UmU via presentations by MIMS group leaders. Participants were very positive and they found group discussion with invited speakers especially valuable and inspiring.

Link to additional information about the symposium together with videos of the three symposium sessions.