Category Archives: NDPIA

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Molecular Virology Workshop and Symposium on Virology in Smögen, August 17-22, 2015

A workshop entitled “Molecular Virology” will be organized in Smögen, August 2015, preliminary dates 17-19. PhD students are the primary target group, but also postdocs are welcome to participate if there are vacancies.

More information about the workshop will be posted as soon as possible at

The workshop is sponsored by the MIMS affiliated Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics and therefore programme participants will be prioritized if the workshop is oversubscribed.

In connection to the workshop, the “Smögen Symposium on Virology” will be held, 20-22 August, 2015. Information about the symposium will be posted at (although this page currently contains information on the previous Virology Symposium).

Participants of the MIMS affiliated Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics will be able to apply for co-funding of travel/accommodation for participating in the symposium by filling out an on-line form to be included at closer to the meeting date.

Workshop in Photomicrography and Image Processing for Science at UmU Jan 13-16 2015!

Now a detailed schedule for the Workshop in Photomicrography and Image Processing for Science is available (link to schedule). The activity will be held January 13-16, 2015, at the Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University. If you are interested in the workshop, please register as soon as possible via where additional information can be found.

New events and functions at!

Information on several new events together with updated information on other events can now be found at the new “Events” page:, for instance two activities organized with support from the MIMS affiliated Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics: Pathogens and immunity evasion strategies (Lund/Malmö) and Workshop in photomicrography and image processing for science (Umeå).

From now on registration to announced activities and/or application for co-funding of travel/accommodation will be performed via the new “Events” page. Events are also listed in a calendar at the start page and on the “Events” page. For all activities sponsored by the programme, registration and eventual application for co-funding for participation is performed by filling out an on-line form at the bottom of the page displaying the specific event. Only registered programme participants who are logged in can fill out the form. Logging in is performed via a specific function in the left sidebar.

Continue reading New events and functions at!