UCMR invites you to join the following seminar in the scope of the UCMR Distinguished Guests Seminars Series!
March 15 2022, 14:00-15:00, Zoom
Michail Lionakis National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, NIH, USA
Title of the talk: “Host defense against fungi: From the bench to the bedside”
UCMR Distinguished Guests Seminar Series (DGSS) aim to invite outstanding international scientists to present their excellent work. The seminars are open to all researchers in Sweden. The mission of this programme is to inspire researchers in Umeå and to connect the research environment of UCMR to the world.
Several fellowships are open for excellent postdoctoral candidates interested to do research in the highly interactive and multidisciplinary research environments of Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR) and Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) at Umeå University, Sweden.
The fellowships are funded by the newly launched “Excellence by Choice” Postdoctoral Programme, with Nobel laureate Emmanuelle Charpentier as patron, who discovered the CRISPR Cas 9 gene editing technology during her time as a scientist and group leader in Umeå.
The programme is open to all nationalities. The “EC” Postdoctoral Fellows will:
Develop a collaborative project under supervision of at least two PIs
Obtain 2 year full time fellowship exempt from tax (600 000 SEK), as well as grants for project running costs (300 000 SEK) and the fellow’s career development (20 000 SEK)
Access to UCMR/UPSC affiliated core facilities and technical platforms
Participate in activities to strengthen networks and collaborations in academics and industry
Involve in a strong postdoc community with the Umea Postdoc Society (UPS)
Applicants should have a PhD degree in a field relevant for the position, preferably completed no more than three years before the starting date of fellowship We aim to recruit up to six postdoctoral fellows in this round
Applications should be submitted by April 3rd 2022
Launched in 2004, this FASEB Science Research Conference (SRC) covers the rapidly growing area of microbial glycobiology, from microbial degradation of complex glycans to host-microbe interactions and viral glycobiology.
The conference brings together individuals with an interest in the role of glycans in microbial biology. It is the only international meeting on this topic and provides the ideal environment to exchange ideas and learn about new advances in the field. The meeting is structured to encourage engagement between those from a broad spectrum of experience and background.
This five-day intensive course for IBA and NDPIA members introduces antibiotic resistance from a microbial perspective and from a clinical – One Health perspective.
The course gives an in-depth overview on:
the modes of action of different antibiotics and how microbes resist the effects of the antibiotics,
diagnostic methods to detect known and novel resistance genes,
the origins of resistance genes and the biological cost of resistance for the microbe, and
modern methodology for new antibiotic development and alternative therapeutics for infectious disease
The 9th National Infection Biology / Swedish Microbiology meeting and NDPIA’s 6th network meeting took place on 16-18 November 2021 with a total of 237 registered participants, including 39 poster presenters and 15 speakers. The meeting was a virtual meeting that provided a broad vision on current state-of-the-art microbiology techniques and research in Sweden.
During the 21st Century, the influence of microorganisms on our health and the environment has been realized in ways, both good and bad, that have never been imagined before. Microbiology is now an integrative science where discoveries in microbial pathogenesis may impact studies of various other sub-disciplines of microbiology, such as microbial ecology. Microbiologists now understand that microorganisms utilize similar molecular mechanisms for diverse purposes in both the host and the environment.
Keynote speakers were Swedish researchers working within the sub-disciplines of bacteriology, virology, parasitology, host response, clinical infection biology, environmental microbiology, zoonotics, and new methods.
Online lecture on “Developing alpaca nanobodies for the fight against COVID-19”, given by Gerald McInerney, professor at Karolinska Institutet. Photo: Hanna Eriksson.
Online lecture on “Registered-based sepsis research-opportunities and limitations”, given by Malin Inghammar, associate professor at Lund University. Photo: Hanna Eriksson.
Online lecture on “Host-directed therapy against respiratory tract infections”, given by Peter Bergman, clinical microbiologist/ immunodeficiency physician at Karolinska Institutet. Photo: Hanna Eriksson.
To involve junior researchers, additional talks were selected from the submitted poster abstracts.
Poster presentations were organized as digital poster walks that allowed participants to present and discuss their work with other participants.
Students were presenting and discussing their work during online poster walk sessions. Photo: Hanna Eriksson.
The meeting was co-organized by the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics (NDPIA) and the Swedish Society for Microbiology (SFM) with the aims to enhance cross-disciplinary research in Sweden within the fields of infection biology and microbiology as well as to strengthen the Swedish network of scientists within these fields.
Many thanks to the organizing committee:
Debra Milton, Umeå University, NDPIA National Director
Helen Wang, Uppsala University, NDPIA
Pontus Nordenfelt, Lund University, NDPIA
Edmund Loh, Karolinska Institutet, NDPIA
Keira Melican, Karolinska Institutet, Representative for SFM
Per-Eric Lindgren, Linköping University, SFM Vice-Chair