Novel fluorescence-based methods in immunology – symposium and course at KI February 9-13, 2015

The symposium and course include the technique super-resolution fluorescent microscopy, actualized by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and fluctuation-based fluorescence techniques. Results from nano- to single cell and tissue scale will be presented. The course (including the symposium) renders 2 ECTS and the symposium 0.6 ECTS.

Please note that the symposium and the course are open not only for PhD students but also for postdocs. Furthermore, PhD students in KI collaboration programmes such as the MIMS affiliated Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics are considered equal to KI PhD students when selecting participants if the activities are oversubscribed.

Dead-line for course registration November 17

Dead-line for symposium registration December 13

Link to more information about the events