Category Archives: NDPIA

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1.5 ECTS NDPIA course on “Protein structure and structure-based drug design” in Lund 20-23 March 2018

A 1,5 ECTS NDPIA course in protein structure and structure-based drug design will be held in Lund 180320-23 and will feature lectures and hands-on tutorials on: Protein structure / Sequence & structural databases / Structure in drug discovery / Internet tools for drug discovery / Ligand docking and screening. There will also be time for networking.

Link to additional information and registration

Registration deadline – 20 February, 2018.

Successful NDPIA workshops and NIB 2017 16-18 October

On 16-17 October 2017 NDPIA held its third network meeting with workshops on science communication and career planning. In connection with this, the National Infection Biology (NIB) Network held its seventh meeting on 17-18 October at Djurönäset Conference Hotel outside of Stockholm.

In line with the NIB network’s ambitions, the meeting provided opportunities for young researchers to present their research and to network with scientists from all the various fields of infection biology research. The NIB 2017 programme featured international keynote talks, selected talks from submitted abstracts and two poster sessions. Among a total of 47 posters submitted by NDPIA members, 10 were selected for short presentations during meeting.

Continue reading Successful NDPIA workshops and NIB 2017 16-18 October

NDPIA course on “Mechanisms of Biofilm Formation and Prevention” at Karolinska Institutet 8-9 February 2018

This 1 ECTS course at Karolinska Institutet 8-9 February 2018 aims to address selected important aspects of biofilm formation and its regulation. Topics covered will include prevention of microbial biofilm formation, biofilm-host interaction and the impact of biofilm formation in the clinical setting. In the practicals, different microbial biofilm models and principle biofilm-related experiments will be demonstrated and performed by the participants on an individual basis in order to encourage critical assessment of experimental data. The course will also discuss how biofilm derived principles benefit other research areas.

Preliminary schedule

Link to additional information and registration

Registration deadline – 22 December 2017

Extended registration deadline for the NDPIA/KI course “Emerging viral diseases”: 20 September

The registration deadline for the 1.5 ECTS NDPIA course “Emerging viral diseases – preparing for the unknown” at KI in Huddinge 4-6 October 2017 is extended to 20 September.

Course participants will learn about:

– How to prepare for, work during, and investigate, an outbreak
– Ethical and practical issues regarding research and testing of treatments/vaccines
    during ongoing outbreaks
– Biosafety and biosecurity issues
– The “One Health” perspective, including the natural origin of the viruses
– Emerging viral diseases and the viruses that cause them, focusing on pathogenesis
    and how the viruses affect infected cells and the immune responses.

Link to additional information and registration

Registration open for NDPIA course on “Emerging viral diseases” 4-6 October, deadline 10 September

The 1.5 ECTS NDPIA course “Emerging viral diseases – preparing for the unknown” will be provided by the Dept. of Medicine in Huddinge (Karolinska Institutet/Karolinska University Hospital) 4-6 October 2017, and participants will learn about:

– How to prepare for, work during, and investigate, an outbreak
– Ethical and practical issues regarding research and testing of treatments/vaccines
    during ongoing outbreaks
– Biosafety and biosecurity issues
– The “One Health” perspective, including the natural origin of the viruses
– Emerging viral diseases and the viruses that cause them, focusing on pathogenesis
    and how the viruses affect infected cells and the immune responses.

Link to additional information and registration

Registration deadline – 10 September