Category Archives: News

Novel fluorescence-based methods in immunology – symposium and course at KI February 9-13, 2015

The symposium and course include the technique super-resolution fluorescent microscopy, actualized by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and fluctuation-based fluorescence techniques. Results from nano- to single cell and tissue scale will be presented. The course (including the symposium) renders 2 ECTS and the symposium 0.6 ECTS.

Please note that the symposium and the course are open not only for PhD students but also for postdocs. Furthermore, PhD students in KI collaboration programmes such as the MIMS affiliated Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics are considered equal to KI PhD students when selecting participants if the activities are oversubscribed.

Dead-line for course registration November 17

Dead-line for symposium registration December 13

Link to more information about the events

Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program open for PhD students across Sweden – first application deadline November 17

High-throughput technologies are transforming the demands on scientists in genomics and other medical and biological research fields. As many research groups are in need of large-scale data analyses, there is a need to complement the traditional role of the supervisor with bioinformatics consulting directed towards PhD students. SciLifeLab together with Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Life Sciences (BILS) offers personal bioinformatic advisors for PhD students for up to two years of their PhD studies.

Application deadline: November 17

Confirmation to accepted students: December 19

The program is free of charge.

Link to more information and application form.

New events and functions at!

Information on several new events together with updated information on other events can now be found at the new “Events” page:, for instance two activities organized with support from the MIMS affiliated Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics: Pathogens and immunity evasion strategies (Lund/Malmö) and Workshop in photomicrography and image processing for science (Umeå).

From now on registration to announced activities and/or application for co-funding of travel/accommodation will be performed via the new “Events” page. Events are also listed in a calendar at the start page and on the “Events” page. For all activities sponsored by the programme, registration and eventual application for co-funding for participation is performed by filling out an on-line form at the bottom of the page displaying the specific event. Only registered programme participants who are logged in can fill out the form. Logging in is performed via a specific function in the left sidebar.

Continue reading New events and functions at!